Gary Ng | Awakening Entrepreneur


The Ego Self | The Observer Self | The Higher Self

We gonna learn the TRUTH. The truth if why you are stuck in the situation that you in right now. Or the feeling that you feeling on in a situation that has happened in the past. This is not something that your friends talks about or is been talk in school or in your regular youtube video. We’re gonna share about something deep.

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You’re not Crazy… You are Awakening

This video it was me appearing as a guest to the Fire and Soul Podcast. Michelle Sorro invited me to be her special guest. I am more connected to her on this awakening journey than most people. She is a heart-centered coach, spiritual entrepreneur, she runs top 10 purpose-driven podcasts in self-development called Fire and Soul. She teaches people about reclaiming their sovereign divinity, to build a sovereign leadership, and on how to build a conscious business as well.

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Gary Ng – Spiritual Awakening from 3D to 5D, Spiritual Integration from 5D to 3D

Life is so difficult and I was looking for an escape. I remember how rough the journey was
how challenging it was. From my Awakening Journey, I started to realize that everything is perfect despite the imperfection that we see from our human lenses. And when I started to awakened, I just started to understand Life is just an Experience. Every moment of life is just an experience.

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Dr. Bradley Nelson – The Emotion Code – Releasing Trapped Energy & Healing From Physical Disease Now – GNG #54

Modern science increasingly verifies a truth that runs through ancient healing systems: The mind and body are inextricably connected, with our thoughts and emotions exerting a powerful influence on our health. Probing the frontiers of our ability to resolve emotional wounds from the past, Dr. Bradley Nelson is one of the world’s foremost experts on natural methods of achieving wellness.

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Suzanne Robichaud – Healing Inner Child & Releasing Trauma With Hypnotherapy – GNG #53

Suzanne Robichaud is a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist and has been practicing for over 12 years. Hypnotherapy is a powerful form of therapy that helped her to heal from trauma and change the way her mind perceived herself and the world, allowing her to live a life from a place of love instead of fear. This motivated her to train and help others to free themselves from the past and step into their true selves.

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Hidden Truth On Money & Our Financial System | Michelle Sorro & Gary Ng

This video is a series of Awakening Beyond The Veil. To add a different dynamic to the whole conversation, I invited Michelle Sorro to be my co-host. I am more connected to hear on this awakening journey than most people. She is a heart-centered coach, spiritual entrepreneur, she runs top 10 purpose-driven podcasts in self-development called Fire and Soul. She teaches people about reclaiming their sovereign divinity, to build a sovereign leadership, and on how to build a conscious business as well.

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Holly Chang – Surrender Into Living A Soul-Driven Life – GNG #51

Holly began her career while in college as an engineer working on billion-dollar expansion projects before becoming a serial social entrepreneur who served as an influential nonprofit CEO with US-China bridge builder. She then founded the Golden Bridges Foundation with her savings in 2008 with the vision of promoting “diverse cultures, shared humanity.

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Deep – Sikhism, Islam and The Art Of Self Surrender – GNG #49

Deep is a first generation American from Punjabi Ancestry and throughout his life, he has been influenced profoundly through his heritage and the traditions of Yoga, Sikhism and Islam, all rooted in the balance between the practical and mystical. Whether it be as a yogi, a coach, or through his new book of poetry and short stories, innocence, Deep inspires people to look within themselves.

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Marguerite Rigoglioso – Divine Birth of Mother Mary And The Lineage Of Virgin Births – GNG #47

Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D., is the foremost authority on the history of virgin birth and has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in both the United States and the United Kingdom. She is the director of her own esoteric school, Seven Sisters Mystery School, dedicated to restoring knowledge about the Sacred Feminine and to empowering people on their non-traditional spiritual journeys.

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Dr. Espen Hjalmby – Discover Your Quantum Potential – GNG #45

Dr. Espen Hjalmby DC is a Scientist and Researcher, Mystic, Conscious Business Mentor and Quantum Coach who teaches his clients how to use the power of their own Consciousness to turn Obstacles into Opportunities. He went from 2 broken legs and a near-death hospital infection to rebuilding himself from the inside out to become a SoulPreneur, Australian Ninja Warrior finalist, and loving father.

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Will Caminada – Shifting to 5D Consciousness – GNG #43

Will Caminada is a Spiritual Guide, Singer / Songwriter, and Author of “From Darkness To Light – A Continuous Journey Towards Your Essence”. Will’s mission is to guide fellow humans into their soul and heart. His core focus is to contribute to the AWAKENING and HEALING of humanity and the EXPANSION of our Consciousness.

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Mark Anthony Lord – How To Pray For Miracles To Happen – GNG #42

Mark has studied under some amazing spiritual luminaries such as Michael Bernard Beckwith, Byron Katie, Gay & Katie Hendricks, Lynne Twist, Jack Boland, Marianne Williamson, Richard Rohr, and sat with Gurus in an Ashram in India. He discovered that waking up and making some kind of difference in the world is non-negotiable.

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