Gary Ng | Awakening Entrepreneur

Tricia Barker – What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival and Transformation – GNG #46

Tricia Barker was a depressed, agnostic college student at The University of Texas in Austin…until a profound near-death experience (NDE) during surgery revolutionizes her entire world. As she learns to walk again, Tricia lets go of painful wounds from childhood and integrates some of the after-effects of her spiritual journey into her daily life. She returns to college with renewed vigor, intending to embark on a new path by becoming an English teacher.

But after a year of teaching in the US, Tricia travels to South Korea, where she is the victim of a sexual assault. Now, she must use the wisdom she gained on the Other Side to heal herself; and later, guide countless junior high, high school, and college students to greater peace. Through teaching and mentoring others—many of whom are struggling with traumas of their own—Tricia decides to devote her life to bringing the “light” she experienced during her NDE to individuals who are seeking solace, inspiration, and overall well-being.

Show Notes:

  • 05:38 – Tricia’s verifiable Near-Death experiences evidence
  • 29:00 – What NDE can teach us about dying
  • 43:06 – Why is it part of someone’s soul’s journey to experience NDE?
  • 49:04 – Transformational lessons from Near-Death Experience
  • 54:00 – Why nature is so healing

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