Gary Ng | Awakening Entrepreneur

Mark Anthony Lord – How To Pray For Miracles To Happen – GNG #42

Mark has studied under some amazing spiritual luminaries such as Michael Bernard Beckwith, Byron Katie, Gay & Katie Hendricks, Lynne Twist, Jack Boland, Marianne Williamson, Richard Rohr, and sat with Gurus in an Ashram in India. He discovered that waking up and making some kind of difference in the world is non-negotiable.

In 2003, he became an ordained Minister at Agape International Spiritual Center, under the direction of Michael Bernard Beckwith.
Mark is also an author of 2 books The Seven Living Words & Thou Shalt Not Suffer.

One of the most important things I’ve discovered is that spiritual awakening is meant to awaken a natural state of JOY, CONNECTION, PEACE, & FREEDOM. If it’s not ultimately doing that … there’s something wrong. God is COOL. Love is POWERFUL & HEALING. And YOU … are all those things too.

Show Notes:

  • 06:53 – A Course in Miracles
  • 11:47 – Mark’s childhood upbringing
  • 17:53 – Walking through Dark Night of the Soul
  • 18:37 – Unified Field Theory Explained
  • 22:45 – Being Gay & Gender Fluid
  • 38:08 – Healing with Ayahuasca
  • 49:00 – How to lift your consciousness during lockdown?
  • 56:04 – Healing your chakras with prayer

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