Gary Ng | Awakening Entrepreneur

Tom Douce – Awaken The Divine Within – GNG #52

Tom Douce is a spiritual teacher, intuitive guide, and mystic, who helps people to awaken to their divine potential and create their happiest lives through the power of modern, heart-centred & integrative spiritual teachings.

From a young age, Tom was drawn to seeking the deepest truths possible about reality and how to live the good life. After completing his university degree in philosophy, he fell into a prolonged period of depression and existential crisis that culminated in a series of profound awakenings in consciousness.

It was here that Tom discovered the deeper meaning to life he’d been searching for as well as a deep desire to share his insights and spiritual perspectives for the well-being of all awakening souls, lightworkers and truth seekers on their own paths.

His mission is to help as many people as possible to awaken the Divine within themselves and is grounded in and inspired by the Infinite Love of the Divine Source within us all. Through the power of this love, it is his knowing that can not only experience the amazing lives we came here to celebrate, but also help collectively transform planet Earth into a place of unity, peace & love between all beings.

Show Notes:

  • 06:13 – Tom’s spiritual journey
  • 13:14 – Returning to love in the world of chaos
  • 20:10 – Tom’s experience from spiritual awakening
  • 35:18 – Deep integration for manifestation
  • 48:31 – Surviving tough times by building resilience
  • 53:04 – How to deal with Covid lockdown

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