Gary Ng | Awakening Entrepreneur

Stan Kyselov – (Ayahuasca + Iboga) x (Awakening + Engineering) = Awake Water – GNG #19

Stan Kyselov studied as an engineer and co-founded Edway, one of the most successful labour hire companies in Australia. This gave him financial success at an early age and further expanded to other business ventures. Some succeeded, some failed. However, he quickly realized that entrepreneurial success would not satisfy him and left him unfulfilled. This led him to a mid-life crisis and a quest of searching. Until he founded plant medicine in Ayahuasca, Iboga, and Psilocybin, this started giving him answers beyond the material world, but he first needed to learn to unlearn everything he knew.

I hope that you enjoy this immersed episode of our podcast. Please let me know your podcast experience in the comment section below. I will respond to it personally.

Show Notes:

  • 5:55 – Stan’s entrepreneurial path
  • 08:58 – How he discovered spirituality in his life?
  • 11:09 – Stan’s old belief system
  • 12:13 – What planet medicine taught him about life?
  • 15:18 – Stan’s ayahuasca experience
  • 18:39 – What is ego death?
  • 21:15 – “Did you know that dream is unimaginable?”
  • 26:45 – The shadow inside of us
  • 29:00 – Spiritual trap
  • 31:14 – Fear is like cancer!
  • 42:02 – Iboga experience
  • 46:27 – The difference between ayahuasca, psilocybin and iboga
  • 49:44 – LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) experience
  • 55:05 – How does a dream relate to your own self?
  • 57:24 – How Awake Water was created?
  • 01:01:07 – Quantum mechanics
  • 01:01:54 – Power of thoughts through water!
  • 01:05:54 – Engineering thru awakening
  • 01:06:37 – The process of making the Awake Water

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