Gary Ng | Awakening Entrepreneur

Sri Preethaji – The 5 Stages Of Awakenings To Enlightenment – GNG #39

Sri Preethaji is the Co-founder of Ekam, a movement in consciousness along with her husband Sri Krishnaji.

She is also the creator of Breathing Room, a massive online meditation platform for guided meditations. Along with her husband and daughter, Sri Preethaji is involved in many charitable initiatives involving education, afforestation, providing safe drinking water and reviving ancient culture in a 1000 villages around their sprawling campus In India.

Sri Preethaji is one of the leading women philosophers of our time. Her views on consciousness and the human mind, on purpose and meaning, on parenting and prenatal wisdom, on wealth creation and cooperation in corporate settings have been revolutionary.

She has addressed prestigious academic institutions and forums all over the world. Seekers from all over the world attend Manifest and Five Awakenings – her flagship online processes and The Ekam Enlightenment Festival, a 7 day spiritual experience in India.

Silent meditations with her, known as entering the limitless field of consciousness, are known to knock people into transcendental states of consciousness.

Show Notes:

  • 06:45 – What is spiritual awakening?
  • 12:26 – How does awakening happen?
  • 18:30 – The 5 levels of Spiritual Awakening
  • 29:46 – Swadharma: Finding your unique gift in life
  • 33:30 – Pineal gland decalcification vs activation
  • 48:27 – Humanity future – Free of suffering


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Online Process:
👉🏼The 5 Awakenings:
👉🏼Serene Mind Practice – Free Meditation: