Gary Ng | Awakening Entrepreneur

Claudette Anderson – Co Creating The Universe & Overcoming Victimhood – GNG #29

Claudette Anderson is a Truth Facilitator, Lover of Your Soul and The Ancient Knowledge, Warrior for Your Freedom, Intuitive, CEO, author, and business owner who is passionate for everyone to remember their true power and purpose. She helps people eliminate the thoughts that paralyze us from taking action or enjoying life to the fullest. She speaks to your soul and I call you to remember who you really are. Not the crap that runs through your mind making you feel less than who you are.

You can discover how to access the most powerful force ever within you! The Truth. Gain freedom from a racing mind of bothersome thoughts and step into your peace, power and freedom! This is what your soul has been looking for. It is your birthright!

This is the second time we have Claudette on our podcast (previous episode here GNG #01)

I hope that you enjoy this immersed episode of our podcast. Please let me know your podcast experience in the comment section below. I will respond to it personally.

Show Notes:

  • 00:04:33 – Understand who we are at a soul level
  • 00:07:43 – Creation: how the subconscious mind plays in everyday life
  • 00:12:38 – How to turn fear into power
  • 00:21:40 – The healing power of thoughts and visualization
  • 00:31:41 – Karma; as a guiding force for personal and spiritual development
  • 00:35:44 – Dealing difficult situations with the truth
  • 00:42:16 – The difference between love and truth
  • 00:49:24 – Spiritual law: if you believe, you shall receive

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