Gary Ng | Awakening Entrepreneur

Michael Fox – From Ego To Hero – The Evolution Journey Of An Awakening Entrepreneur – GNG #17

Michael grew up as a meat-loving Australian. As a child, he once penned a song (more like a demanding chant) entitled “Steak of Glory”. He became vegetarian in 2015 for health, environmental and ethical reasons, but he still craves that steak of glory.

Michael shops at his local Farmer’s Market on the Sunshine Coast in Australia on a Saturday morning bake sourdough brews Water Kefir (and has gotten accidentally drunk when a batch went awry), and generally likes to cook healthy food for his family which includes a 3 and 1-year-old (he promises he’s not got them accidentally drunk). He wanted to combine his cravings for meat with his healthy home cooking habits to create whole-food-based plant-based meat. The result is Fable.

I hope that you enjoy this immersed episode of our podcast. Please let me know your podcast experience in the comment section below. I will respond to it personally.

Show Notes:

  • 02:02 – Entrepreneurship journey of Michael Fox (Shoes of Prey & Fable)
  • 07:25 – Capitalism (Capitalist System)
  • 08:05 – Gradual process of operating a business
  • 11:08 – One of the best things he have done in his life
  • 11:41 – Michael’s books recommendation
  • 22:25 – How Michael came across the idea of plant-based meat business?
  • 31:37 – How can you teach a child his worth in this lifetime?
  • 36:10 – Unschooling, Cosmic Schooling, Homeschooling
  • 41:40 – Out dated education system
  • 48:30 – The greatest lesson that helps him evolved as a person
  • 52:02 – Conscious uncoupling
  • 59:48 – What advice will he give to his 21 years old self?
  • 01:04:45 – “Mistakes are not hindrance through success”
  • 01:05:50 – Innovative ways to educate kids 
  • 01:07:07 – How to get through your business in this pandemic?
  • 01:11:04 – The epiphany to get you motivated!

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