Gary Ng | Awakening Entrepreneur

Lis Suppo – Get Organized By Letting Go – GNG #30

Born and raised in Argentina, Lis Suppo is the Creative founder and CEO of My Exclusive Organizer, a Home Organizing and Interior Design company.

Lis is also known as “Mary Freakin’ Poppins,” that magical being who delivers freedom and inspiration through the inception of beautiful, inspiring spaces. Not your ordinary interior decorator, Lis connects women to that magical, mystical place within as she collaborates with them to reimagine their physical environments. In this way, she enables women to visualize and manifest their truest destinies.

Throughout her life, Lis has had the gift of seeing and tuning into the spirit, but it was during the process of her divorce, one of the darkest times in her life, that Lis fully discovered and owned her mediumistic abilities and full connection with the spiritual realm. Meditation, past life regressions, and connecting inward is a key part of her work.

This has led Lis to create Life Transformation through the Space Transformation movement, using practical design and organizing techniques in tandem with spiritual healing to create profound shifts for her clients.

I hope that you enjoy this immersed episode of our podcast. Please let me know your podcast experience in the comment section below. I will respond to it personally.

Show Notes:

  • 04:14 – Lis Suppo’s spiritual journey
  • 10:02 – Life lessons to learn from divorce
  • 21:46 – What is the difference between souls, spirits, and angels?
  • 34:01 – The best thing that brings the right energy to your home?
  • 39:02 – Channeling your higher self
  • 45:31 – Everything that happens to you happens for a reason

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