Gary Ng | Awakening Entrepreneur

Guru Singh – Discovering The Buried Treasures Within You – GNG #21

Electric, vital, and vibrant, Guru Singh is a celebrated third-generation yogi, master spiritual teacher, author, and musician who gracefully brings ancient spiritual practices and philosophies into the now with ease, humanity, humility, and a healthy dose of humor. He fuses Eastern mysticism into Western pragmatism in an accessible and transformative way.
He is a student of the masters Paramahansa Yogananda and Yogi Bhajan and shares their dedication to an enriched and enlightened life. Rooted in the principles of Humanology, Kundalini yoga, meditation, and sacred sound, he teaches conscious living through classes, workshops, training, and conversations that inspire the minds, hearts, and souls of his globe-spanning students.

Recommended Reading: Buried Treasures: The Journey From Where You Are to Who You Are

I hope that you enjoy this immersed episode of our podcast. Please let me know your podcast experience in the comment section below. I will respond to it personally.

“This Guru Singh’s podcast was to the next level! By doing the edits and cleaning the entire podcast, the Topics being discussed were so uplifting. It feels like every topic in the contents resonates all over my head — truly thought-provoking. As a result, it makes me feel more interested and my awareness became more heightened in connection with the behavioral aspect of what he is talking about.

This is an insightful discussion that I can’t help but to think that he is the man containing an entire world of knowledge, just like the enlightened one. Furthermore, when I finished the entire podcast, it felt like that it gives me more sense of direction to my goal in the future.”

Show Notes:

  • 04:19 – “Discovering “Buried Treasure
  • 06:36 – Kundalini Awakening / Spiritual Awakening
  • 09:11 – Guru Singh’s childhood upbringing
  • 11:59 – How to use the human Wifi download from the universal intelligence
  • 14:03 – What are the belief systems?
  • 15:34 – Guru Singh’s NDE (Near Death Experience)
  • 18:05 – Every human life is a gift with unlimited potential
  • 19:15 – What is a spiritual attitude?
  • 24:44 – Accessing Supernatural human abilities
  • 30:55 – The heritage seed – a seed of precious consciousness!
  • 32:27 – Here’s how to reveal your life’s purpose
  • 35:26 – Cosmic Awareness: Negative Emotions
  • 42:50 – The four principles of the physical universe
  • 47:46 – What is beyond time and space (3D)?
  • 58:01 – Proper way of raising kids without OVERPARENTING
  • 01:07:00 – What is Rite of Passage?
  • 01:10:27 – The greatest gift that you can teach someone
  • 01:14:33 – Advice that you could give to your children
  • 01:16:08 – Three brains in the body
  • 01:18:50 – Whats are plants?
  • 01:29:57 – Things we should learn from this pandemic
  • 01:32:17 – Guru Singh’s words of wisdom

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πŸ‘‰πŸΌBook ➜ Buried Treasures: The Journey From Where You Are to Who You Are
πŸ‘‰πŸΌOnline Course➜

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