Gary Ng | Awakening Entrepreneur

Armelle Six – Losing Someone You Love Can Lead To An Even Greater Love – GNG #32

Armelle is a 43-Belgian woman who’s life was completely changed in 2001 when her 13 month old son died abruptly in 5 days. This devastating event opened her up to a whole new way of looking at and living life. She discovered soon after that she had a voice guiding her, like an inner gps, to live effortlessly and in connection with her soul’s purpose. She started to have awakening experiences and didn’t even know what it was which led her to a deep spiritual journey and to teaching about awakening to Who We Are, about living a life of inspiration instead of obligation and learn to be present to this moment, to what Is. Armelle is also the founder of Movement of Life, a dance/movement that invites you to listen to the natural movement of life within you and reconnect with the most essential part of you. She also created Be&Move, a structured 8 week-course to learn to live in presence, grounded and to listen in daily life. She has traveled in many countries since 2012 and has changed the lives of thousands. Meeting her is being touched by her soft, loving presence, her simplicity and her joy. I hope that you enjoy this immersed episode of our podcast. Please let me know your podcast experience in the comment section below. I will respond to it personally.

Show Notes:

  • 00:10:06 – Moving beyond the pain of losing someone you love
  • 00:23:10 – How to discern your own spirit and your own thoughts
  • 00:45:22 – Dry Fasting – No Food and water
  • 01:00:42 – Understanding and working with spirit energy
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