Gary Ng | Awakening Entrepreneur

Dr. Melissa Sophia Joy – Covid – Rite of Passage and Doorway to Freedom – GNG #48

Dr. Melissa Sophia Joy suffered abuse and trauma as a child that led her to become a spiritual seeker over thirty years ago. During this time, she has been led through multiple-year spiritual initiations which have landed her on the doorstep of where she is today…founder of Sophia Healing Academy and Somatic Awakening.

In her 20s and 30s, she studied and practiced many forms of meditation, yoga, and indigenous wisdom. At the age of 38, she stepped into a decades-long dark night of the soul experience, where she was asked to give up just about everything to find the deeper meaning of opening to spirit, humility, and surrender in a very profound way. This was the birthplace of Somatic Awakening.

Show Notes:

  • 09:07 – Dr. Melissa’s Spiritual Journey
  • 11:16 – The Secret Joy of a Surrendered Life
  • 23:04 – Spiritual Awakening and Instant Connections to Guides
  • 31:59 – Dr. Melissa’s Healing From Covid
  • 45:14 – The Dark Night of The Soul: Journey From Absence to Presence

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