Gary Ng | Awakening Entrepreneur

5 Ways to Keep Employees Happy

When we think of ways to keep team members happy, it’s easy to get carried away with ‘perks’. For example, Google’s corporate headquarters is famous for providing perks such as massages, medical care onsite and dry cleaning. While these are excellent benefits to have, when Google interviewed their employees, it found that team members valued things like having managers that took a genuine interest in the lives of their staff and being allowed to express themselves creatively.

In the modern era, a high salary and myriad of benefits is no longer enough to keep top team members happy. If it’s not about the money or perks, how do organizations keep their group happy? Read on for 5 important strategies that will keep star performers engaged and promote harmony in the workplace.

1 – Give Them Feedback

It is a mistake to simply wait for an ‘annual review’ to evaluate performance and give credit where it is due. One of the biggest issues staff members have with any company is that their managers do not provide enough feedback regardless of whether the comments are positive or negative. Statements like ‘good job’ or ‘not good enough’ are nothing more than empty phrases. It is important to give detailed feedback, whether it is positive or negative, straight away so the team member can either continue his excellent performance or rectify any mistakes he has made.

2 – Balance Stimulating & Dull Projects

Although we try to have fun at E-Web Marketing, we are aware that there are mundane projects that need to be completed. However, we ensure there is a balance between these less than thrilling tasks and projects that team members are passionate about. By doing this, your team will effortlessly get through the more bland aspects of their work in anticipation of the more exciting project. Additionally, you should always explain why the dull projects are so important to the company.

3 – Public Praise

Don’t just bring team members into your office and quietly thank them for a job well done, provide them with public acknowledgement as this serves to enhance the effect of the praise. When a staff member is praised in public, he will feel 10 feet tall and more motivated than ever as well as receiving kudos from his peers. At E-Web Marketing we have a Star & Props session every week where team members can nominate each other for a star. The nomination comes with a compliment or reasons why that person deserves a star. The stars can be redeemed for real rewards like movie tickets, sky diving and more. A heartfelt ‘thank you’ in full view of the team will do wonders for the recipient’s confidence and mood.

4 – One-on-One Meetings

Having weekly one-on-one meetings with team members is an excellent way to keep everyone up to speed with project status and goals whilst also enabling managers to provide detailed feedback. Initially, it may feel awkward but soon, all members of the group will become accustomed to the meetings and will relish the opportunity to speak frankly about any given work-related topic. Most organisations are guilty of neglecting staff with the only meaningful dialogue taking place during the dreaded annual review. One-on-one meetings help team members become more confident and more willing to speak openly. This can only improve job satisfaction and productivity.

5 – Encourage Independent Learning

Another major issue in the corporate world is lack of training. Aside from the initial training, few companies devote the time or resources to educating team members. This is a huge mistake because in my experience, having the ability to learn is a massive motivator. Businesses don’t realise that their staff learns much of its skills ‘on the job’ through independent learning as they are forced into it due to the lack of attention on the company’s part. At E-Web Marketing, we have a culture of education where team members are given the resources to learn on their own. The result is highly skilled individuals that feel enriched every single day.

Never assume that economic uncertainty or dangling benefits in front of peoples’ noses will be enough to keep them on board. We live in an era where team members expect to be treated as adults and desire respect and job satisfaction. Fail to provide them with this and you better believe that they will take their skills elsewhere.

Do you use any other methods of keeping team members happy at work?